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Smooth'18 Logos

Послато: 09 Нов 2017, 19:51
од Џони

Our fourth instalment has returned by popular demand. Smooth'18 promises more logos than ever before. Updated logos from across the world. With more than 200,000 downloads from Smooth'17, this should be your only logopack this year!

All playable leagues covered plus many more!
Clean and sleek and easy on the eye. Suitable for all dark and light FM skins.
Updated 2017/18 league and cup competition logos.
International emblems for all countries are included.

Smooth'18 Contents
Here is a list of the amount of logos within the pack by continent.

Africa: 302 logos
Asia / Oceania: 600 logos
Europe: 2,705 logos
North America: 169 logos
South America: 378 logos
Nations: 230 logos

How to add Smooth'18 logos megapack on Football Manager 2018

Download the .rar file and use a tool such as 7-zip for Windows or The Unarchiver for MacOSX to extract their contents.

Move the extracted contents to your graphics folder:
\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2018\graphics\logos\
Create folders "graphics" and "logos" if they don't exist already.

Run Football Manager 2018 and go to Preferences > Interface:
Disable Using caching to decrease page loading times
Enable Reload Skin when confirming changes in preferences
Hit the Confirm button

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